Discipleship 1 - DOWNREACH
The emphasis of the great commission that Jesus gave to the church before His ascension was not to go out into all the world to make “decisions”, but rather, to make “disciples”. It seems that so much of the outreach of the church in this hour tries to make the gospel attractive so that they can rack up more and more decisions. Though this may look good statistically, yet in reality, few of these decisions ever produce disciples. The church needs to awake to the fact that not only does God want us to be busy birthing new babes in Christ but also to care for them and bring them to maturity. Many new converts perish in their own afterbirth for lack of someone to take care of them and disciple them.
I Corinthians 3:11 tells us that the only true foundation that a man can lay is Jesus Christ. In this course we will be laying the foundation of the doctrine of Christ which is the milk all babes must drink to grow and live. It is a sad commentary on the church that so many people can be a part of a local church for so many years and still not even know what books are in the Bible, let alone, what is said in them. The theme of this equipping course is found in 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Discipleship 2 - Upreach
Discipleship 3 - Inreach

Discipleship 4 - outreach
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Manual & Teacher Workbook (includes question answers) USD $24.00 each. Discipleship 3 – manual
Manual & Teacher Workbook (includes question answers) USD $24.00 each. Discipleship 4 – manual